HP 30 Day Challenge: Day 3

Favorite Movie

Hmm..... Favorite Movie. Of the eight films, I have to choose one? Well, I thought it over for half a day and choose Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part I. I chose this film because I love the trio's hero's journey where all three of them are out in the wild, living in a tent, taking a stand against Voldemort. This film is very subtle with minimal cinematography. Now that I think about it, I view this film very Romantic period with small figures and wide shots of nature displayed throughout it. It is a very quiet film where it demonstrates a foundation of this is what happening and Harry, Ron, and Hermione are the only ones in the world that can stop. It is very daunting that they have the burdens of the world on their shoulders. It is their journey, their own voyage across various lands that proves them that only they can stop the war. It is a very isolated path that each of them has to face a war and we see it through their eyes. I think it shows the reality of war and how it affects them. Harry has to watch his friends and colleagues die around him slowly. Hermione had to erase her parent's memory to keep them out of the war completely. Ron has to suffer by dreading the idea that his family, any member of his family could be dead because they are on the "wrong" side.

But another reason I chose to pick this one is the illustration of the Deathly Hallows. The animated storyline of the tale of the three brothers was beautiful and haunting. It is a literal fairytale that makes me jump for glee when I saw the parallels of this film echo through the first and second part. I always search for parallels and begin this process by the end of Deathly Hallows Part II. It is the beginning of the idea:

"One died for power, one died for love, and one greeted death as an old friend."

The Deathly Hallows represented an interesting idea to me. I loved it. I really did not like most of the films. I think I most tolerated the first two because they were the ideal visuals of what Harry Potter represented to me. I think that Deathly Hallows was a reality check that I realized this was a dark, dank world and it was going to end. Harry needed to find the horcruxes before time ran out and Voldemort would get him. It was the ultimate match between good verses evil and bad things happened along the way. It was also the beginning of what I consider the cycle of the hero's journey ending as we watched on screen the end of what we love never come back.

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